National Oilwell Varco Apps

NOV Power Sections 5.0.32
Power Sections at your fingertips — the industry's first and onlycustomizable spec generator app. Creates a standard spec sheet forselected size/model or creates a custom spec sheet for specifiedflow rate and elastomer. Save your most commonly used spec sheetsas favorites for easy access. Send spec sheets in the familiar NOVPS Catalog format via e-mail.
Drill Bit Nozzle Calculator 6.7
The Drill Bit Nozzle Calculator allows theuserto quickly get nozzle results such as Bit TFA, pressure drop,HSI,Impact Force, etc. based on inputs of bit size, flow rate,nozzlesand mud weight. A reverse calculation of nozzle sizes for adesiredtotal flow area and number of nozzles is alsoavailable.
WellData™ MobileRT 1.8.1
Experience real-time drilling data like never before withNOV’sMobileRT. Access and interact with all surface anddownholeinstrumentation data along with the daily reports needed tomakeaccurate drilling, directional, and geological operationdecisionson your favorite mobile device. Gain near-instantaneousinsightthrough rich visualization and rig collaboration toolssupported by1-second resolution data to ensure you’re in sync withthe riganywhere, anytime. Our ISO27001 data security processescombinedwith integrated encryption ensure your data is safe nomatter whereyou are. MobileRT allows access to information foractive andhistorical wells connected to WellData. This is the typeofreal-time data that all stakeholders to the wellconstructionprocess (such as drilling superintendents, drillingengineers,geologists, RTOCs) need to conduct safe, efficientoperations. Thisdata gives a true understanding of what ishappening within thecomplete drilling and rig operations process,as it happens.Utilizing data from NOV’s RigSense™ electronicdrilling recorder(EDR) system or Connect data aggregator serversalong with theWellData remote well communication informationsystem, users canview drilling information in real time from a webbrowser anywherein the world. Some of the key benefits of MobileRTinclude: •ISO27001 security process and SSL-encrypted datatransmission •1-second data streamed to your mobile device withless than asecond lag between rigsite and mobile device (excludingsatellitelatency) • Customizable charting and EzView screens withmanyoptions including units, scaling, etc. • Time and depth viewsforactive and historical wells • The ability to trace laggedchannelssuch as gamma ray, methane GW, propane GW, total gas GW,total gasnormalized, WSGD propane, and WSGD total gas • Ability toviewToursheets, Morning Reports, and Rig Direction Reports •Summary ofdriller’s notes along with ability to add notes to therigsitecharts directly from your mobile device • Chat messagingsystembetween any RigSense station at the rigsite and otherWellData RTand MobileRT users • Customizable home screen withfavorite wells •Create custom view profiles shared across all wellsto quicklyconfigure charts for various rig operations likedrilling, sliding,tripping, etc. • Well location mapping • Lightand dark themesRequirements: • Active internet connection such asWiFi or dataplan • RigSense instrumentation or Connect dataaggregator • ValidWellData user credentials If you experience anydifficultiesinstalling or using MobileRT, please contact the HelpDesk [email protected] or 1-855-935-5328.
LineMinder 1.0.34
LineMinder Phone App is used to get live web view of loggingdatafrom the LineMinders. Its can also be used to access log filesfromthe LineMinder.
NOV MonoVue 1.0.15283
Controller application for SMC or PSS systems
GP2GO 2.0.1
GP2GO gives you access to NOV Grant Prideco’sindustry-leadingdrilling products and services at your fingertips.Browse andretrieve up-to-date information on drilling products,cataloguesand brochures, specifications on rotary shoulderconnections,facilities and licensed repair shops, upcoming events,andtechnical papers. Stay connected on the go, and explore allthatNOV Grant Prideco has to offer!
Bowen Casing Spear Calculator
Determine the overall load rating and mode of failure ineachapplication.
Stay connected on the go, and explore all that NOV Grant Pridecohasto offer!